"How have elders influenced your lives and how do you intend to support them?"

In Indian Culture we respect elders and elder, they remain the bedrock of society. However In today's youth-obsessed world, we too often marginalize elders when their experience is most important. Learning from the past is important not only for humanity as a whole, but also for every individual. The question is in today's information age, when we can get information from internet, are elders really important? The answer is yes. If we are to remain happy, it is imperative to know what is right and what is not in face today's barrage of information and propaganda from politicians and corporations. Elders can teach us what is correct and what is not.

I have always looked to my parents, grandparents, uncle and aunts for wisdom and guidance. There’s so much we can learn from our elders who have a lifetime of experiences to share with us, if only we take the time to listen.

So what have they given me?

  1. They have educated me about the moral values and has instilled moral conscience into me.
  2. They have taught me how to face hard situations, disappointments and losses along life’s journey.
  3. They have taught me that whatever I do, whether it's washing dishes, sweeping floors, or working at  a job, to do it with the best of my ability.
  4. They have taught me to live within my means and to avoid debt.
  5. They have taught the value of sharing and investing in relationships.
In return here is what one can do for them.
  1.  Make them feel respected and wanted and include them in all social activities.
  2. Making home safe for elders by providing safety devices like night light in bathrooms and railings. Safety is important as a small fall or injury may be fatal. After a particular age, bones take long time to heal.
  3.    Making adequate provision for geriatric care by subscribing to adequate medical insurance. Medical Care is expensive so one must buy proper amount of insurance.
  4. Making provision for regular health check-up.
  5. Giving them back their society by inviting their friends to your home and planning for social function of elders.

Other than the above caring for an aging parent, grand-parents often presents difficult challenges.

Elder care broadly include rehabilitative therapies, skilled nursing care, and palliative care. They can be provided by family or home health care agencies. Elder care may also comprise training to help older people adjust to or overcome many of the restrictions that often come with aging.

Where it is difficult to provide care at home because both spouses are engaged in work, arrangement can be made for nursing care or assisted living through professional agencies.

 Pic coutsey:- https://www.flickr.com/photos/safari_vacation/8304699932

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